Monday, October 05, 2009

All I need to know about life i learned from eating chocolate...

I just wanted to share this poem i read recently. I already posted it on my other blog. The poem really has some sense and it can make you stop, pause and think. Hope you guys appreciate and love it as much as i did. :)

All I need to know about life,
I learned from eating chocolate..

Some people are semi-sweet;
others are just plain nutty. Don’t
cry over spilled milk - unless, of
course, it’s chocolate milk. There
is a fine line between vice and
addiction. Blind dates are like
chocolate - they’re usually chunky
and they quickly disappear . When
life presents you a rocky road, just
eat your way out of it. Money
can’t buy you love - but it
can buy
you chocolate - 24 hours a day,
7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Keep your fingers off other people’s
bonbons. Mother-in-laws are like
chocolate syrup; a little goes a long

way. Flowers and champagne may
set the stage, but it’s chocolate that
steals the show. An ounce of
truffles is worth a pound of
anything. Milk chocolate…for all
it’s worth. You never really know a
person ’til you’ve shared a box of
chocolate with them. A kiss is
is just a kiss, but a chocolate kiss is
bliss. True love will remain long
after the chocolates have gone…..
provided there’s another box. The
best things in life are not fat free
Nothing is worth getting sick over -
except; of course, chocolate. When all
else fails; fudge it! And remember….
Life is like a box of chocolates,
take a bite out of anything…!

Have a chocolate life!!!! :)

Blinks At You, The Star


BMX said...

do you like riding a BMX?

Chen said...

no.... i don't know how to ride a BMX... lol

Tneduts said...

eh I have written a review about this website. check it out.