Tuesday, January 20, 2009

are you Bipolar?

Bipolar is A mood disorder sometimes called manic-depressive illness or manic-depression that characteristically involves cycles of depression and elation or mania. Sometimes the mood switches from high to low and back again are dramatic and rapid, but more often they are gradual and slow, and intervals of normal mood may occur between the high (manic) and low (depressive) phases of the condition. The symptoms of both the depressive and manic cycles may be severe and often lead to impaired functioning. Both phases of the disease are deleterious. Mania affects thinking, judgment, and social behavior in ways that may cause serious problems and embarrassment. For example, unwise business or financial decisions may be made when an individual is in a manic phase. Depression can also affect thinking, judgment, and social behavior in ways that may cause grave problems.
Although bipolar disorder often worsens over time if untreated, most people with bipolar disorder can achieve stabilization of their mood swings and reduction of symptoms with proper treatment. Treatment usually consists of medications known as "mood stabilizers."

You Are 84% Bipolar

You have some serious ups and downs, maybe to the point of endangering your own life.

Consult a doctor to see if you may truly have bipolar disorder.

OMG!!! I'm 84% bipolar. i really should go to see a doctor if it's really true.. Lmao!

Click here to know if you're a bipolar too

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