Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Urg! This boredom is killing me! I'm beginning to feel nauseous. I need to grab some belgian tuffle later. BTW, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince will finally release tomorrow. I was waiting for that damn movie for years. I and my friends will be wataching though i still don't know when, I'ma text my friends as soon as i recieve my load.
on the other hand, I'm quite sad and my mind seems preoccupied with LOT of things lately. I just heard that my cousin who worked in Cebu finally came home last month and I've been dying to see her since it's been 5 years since we last saw each other. She's in our province right now and unfortunately i still have many things to do since exams are fast approaching. I don't know if she's staying her good or just having a vacation.

Anyways, sometimes life sucks and you need to deal with it no matter how hard it may be.

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